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Mentor Yein Narayana

Yein Narayana

Mentor sejak 09 Mar 2020

Aryasasta Dharma S at BuildWithAngga
Aryasasta Dharma S

Front-End Developer

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M. Syofi Azmi at BuildWithAngga
M. Syofi Azmi

Full-Stack Developer

Bagian Array Method Reduce, diletakkan di bawah video Loop aja, kepotong soalnya, over all nice and clear, thank you mas hehe read more

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Athallah M Zaidan at BuildWithAngga
Athallah M Zaidan

Full-Stack Developer

penjelasan step by step jelas dan sangat mudah dipahami, namun untuk tailwindnya masih tidak dijelaskan detail jadi harus belajar sendiri, tapi dimaklumi karena ini kelas react dengan tailwind hehe read more

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Aidils at BuildWithAngga

Full-Stack Developer

cara menjelaskan sangat baik. terimakasih mudah dimengerti read more

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Hanif Cahyo Prasetyo at BuildWithAngga
Hanif Cahyo Prasetyo

Full-Stack Developer

Thankyouu read more

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Rizqy Khairani at BuildWithAngga
Rizqy Khairani

UI Designer

mantap dan rinci read more

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