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Mentor Layla Aprilia

Layla Aprilia

Mentor sejak 12 May 2020

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andi ismail at BuildWithAngga
Andi ismail

Back-End Developer

short video but clear explanation with the conclusion at the end of the video. thank you so much read more

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M. Ilman Pratama Supardi Putra at BuildWithAngga
M. Ilman Pratama Supardi

Front-End Developer

Sangat Membantu, Thanks Mrs April and also Buildwithangga read more

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Monica Febyola Silitonga at BuildWithAngga
Monica Febyola Silitonga

Full-Stack Developer

Kelasnya sangat menarik dan berguna dalam dunia kerja ketika meeting menggunakan bahasa inggris. read more

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Yusuf K at BuildWithAngga
Yusuf K

Full-Stack Developer

Terimakasih, Penyampaian yang jelas dan to the point. read more

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sri rezeki at BuildWithAngga
Sri rezeki

Full-Stack Developer


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Nurrochmat Saptoaji at BuildWithAngga
Nurrochmat Saptoaji

Full-Stack Developer

seneng sama aksennya 😆 read more

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